Bariatric Surgery Intake Form

If your state is not listed here, I am unable to complete your evaluation.
Who should I contact in the event of an emergency?
Which surgery are you considering?
Who is requesting the pre-surgical psychological evaluation? If you do not know your doctor’s first name you can put “Doctor” in the first name field.
Name of your doctor’s office
Please provide additional details about prior weight loss attempts and why you think they were ultimately unsuccessful.
Selected Value: 0
Please move the slider to indicate your current level of stress (0 = no stress, 10 = completely stressed)
Selected Value: 0
Please move the slider to indicate your current level of depression (0 = no depression, 10 = worst depression)
Selected Value: 0
Please move the slider to indicate your current level of anxiety (0 = no anxiety, 10 = Worst anxiety)